Over the past 49 years our
dogs have been involved in everything
from Search & Rescue,
K-9 units (Minneapolis, Ramsey county and St. Paul), theatrical productions,
competitions (US and abroad) in both conformation and obedience, handicap
programs, but the vast majority as someone's family pet.
The philosophy behind the breeding at Jerland Kennels
has been to emphasize three things in our shepherds:
conformation, intelligence, and temperament.
Our idea - the total dog.
A dog, like any valued possession,
must be structurally
sound. It makes no difference how intelligent a dog may
be if he suffers from physical faults. Dogs, like humans,
have degrees of intelligence and areas of talent in which
they excel. Here too, the temperament of the animal is
most important when considering its particular avenue
of use.
We try to match each of these
qualities with the dog's new family. Jerland dogs are now
found in fifty states and over thirty foreign countries. This spans over
thirty four years and
six generations of home-bred dogs.
Our dream and goal is to provide
excellence to each new client. We sincerely believe that
dog - man's best friend - can also be a source for new found friends of
the human kind.
If you are interested in obtaining
a puppy from Jerland Kennel, we will work with you to
match the individual
to his new family.
State of Wisconsin licensed and inspected: 268001-DS